Transform your humble backyard into a thriving homestead.

We’re strong believers in working with what you’ve got and this includes growing and raising food in your own backyard, no matter how small. Ready to get started?

is your flock ready for a new home?

Browse our modern and carefully considered DIY guides and tackle your next project with your own two hands.

3’ x 6’ Multipurpose Livestock House

7’ x 15’ Chicken Coop & Attached Run

We’re passionate about helping you build a slower and more sustainable lifestyle, one epic project at a time.

Hey there, we’re Mike & Brittni

Dreaming of backyard chickens and bountiful veg gardens but feeling overwhelmed with where and how to start? We truly believe you are more capable and your space has more to offer than you think. We’ve been there, and we know that with an eagerness to learn and some guidance along the possibilities are endless.

Want to be the first to hear about new DIY guides?

We’ve got lots of projects in the works and can’t wait to share them with you. Drop your email below and we’ll let you know when they’re live.